On Elections Day, Romanians Chose Realitatea.NET

Realitatea.NET broke all records on November 30, the Romanian Parliamentary Elections Day, being the most visited news website with more than 1.1 million page views, 147,000 visits and over 87,000 unique visitors (according to SATI). The same day represented the best day of 2008 for Realitatea.NET, as well as the best day in the history of SATI measurements since they were started in 2007.

On Sunday, Realitatea.NET was the only news site to register over 1 million page views, breaking its own previous record of 823,000 page views from September 1, 2008. In the same time, Realitatea.NET had three times more page views than it’s main competitor, Hotnews, gathering also 16,000 more unique visitors and 22,000 more visits. The peak traffic was recorded between 18-19 hours, when the website registered more than 100,000 page views and more than 13,000 visits.

Realitatea.NET was also the second most attractive news website on the elections day, its visitors spending a lot of their time within its pages. The average visit time within the website was 18:29 minutes, only surpassed by Cotidianul with an average visit time of 20 minutes.