Saying Good Bye to Netbridge Development

Today is my last day working as a Communication Director and Project Manager for Netbridge Development, one of the most important players on the Romanian online market. Being involved with some of the most important Romanian online projects, such as,, and, and working together with a wonderful team of colleagues, I have learned a lot about the Romanian online industry.

However, after a bit more than a year, the time has come for me to move on to a more business oriented career. The Romanian online market is in a very early stage and I believe that there are a lot of wonderful projects that can be done in this area in the years to come. Thus, I will remain in the online industry because I believe that the future and the money are here.

At the end of this phase in my professional career, I would like to thank to all my colleagues who have offered me an excellent environment, both during work hours, as well as outside them, and a lot of them I consider now friends. I want to also thank to all my partners, because together we managed to run beautiful projects that I hope have brought their contribution to the development of the Romanian online industry as a whole.

Since the game is not over yet, I’ll see you all in the next level.