Social Responsibility Report 2008

A while ago, Dragos invited me to answer to a short questionnaire in which to present my opinions related to the CSR activity of major companies in Romania in 2008. After they collected the results of their questionnaire, they came out with an interesting Social Responsibility Report for 2008. From their results, I’ll just mention a few of them, while inviting you to read the full report on their website.

Most socially responsible companies in 2008:

  1. Vodafone
  2. Petrom
  3. Tubord
  4. Orange
  5. Unicredit-Tiriac

What bloggers want from socially responsible companies in 2009:

  1. Environment protection
  2. Stimulate public civic behavior
  3. Educate/help gifted youth

One of the conclusions of the report is that, if companies want to benefit from the support of bloggers, they should be consistent and transparent in their CSR communication, they should focus on social causes and they should be willing to involve bloggers and have a fair dialogue with them.