[](https://i1.wp.com/www.secareanu.com/content/images/2008/11/f5webcorp.jpg)F5 X-MediaThe New Media Division of Realitatea-Catavencu Group will create a new structure branded F5 X-Media and focused on selling new media and unconventional advertising, as well as cross-media, special projects and events. The new organization will be lead by Dragos Gurarosie, former New Media Manager at [Prima TV](http://www.primatv.ro/ "Prima TV").
F5 X-Media portfolio of services will focus primarily on:
Online Sales – web banners, video ads, etc
Web Services – e-commerce or online sales platforms
Events – RoNewMedia, AdBreak, Politics 2.0, etc
Special Projects Cross-Media – convergent and creative ideas across various media
Unconventional New Media – sms, bluetooth, mobile, mobisites, etc
The new F5 X-Media team will be comprised from Dragos Gurarosie, Irina Morosanu, Sorin Jianu and Cristian Avram.